Date Released: Aug 10, 2018
Last Update: Aug 15, 2018 (v1.01)
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This is the 6th fan character I've created for M.U.G.E.N.
She is a joke character with one-button attacks and wasn't meant to be a sophisticated fighting character.
This is based on character from a net browser collection game called Flower Knight Girl, as well as the infamous MLG meme, combined as a concept for a joke character (along with other MUGEN related memes).
There wasn't any particular reason why I combined the character and the MLG joke, I just did it on a whim.
For those of you who find the MLG meme too obnoxious, I made a version that removes that specific content (she still has the other jokes though). This is the "FKG" version
She is based off the flower of the same name.
Her flower meaning in the language of flowers are:
"Immortality", "Eternal Life/Love", etc
Showcase Video:
Change Log:
v1.01 (Aug 15, 2018)
- Added one additional Intro variation
- Added 2 addition Special Attack variants
- Editted her Icon/Portrait to display "MLG" to better reflect the joke
- Added a cut-in variation for Special Attack
- fixed glitchy Run cycle animations to prevent "floaty" movement during AI mode
- minor adjustments to some Super Attack dmg
v1.00 (Aug 10, 2018)
- Pre-release for Spriteclub.tv Debuts