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Hoshikujaku / Easter Cactus (v1.01)

Updated: Nov 2, 2020

Date Released: Feb 3, 2020

Download Link:


Hoshikujaku, otherwise known as Easter Cactus in English, is a fiery Flower Knight who revels in challenging herself and testing her flames. This character's gimmick is her personal Fire Power bar for using fire based moves, and the ability

to revive herself once per round after using her Hyper attack.

For more details on her mechanics, check the "Controls" section of the readme.

Even though her proper English name is Easter Cactus, based on the flower she's named after, I decided to use her Romanji pronounciation as her display name instead. This is because without context, Easter Cactus would otherwise be a very strange name. Someone browsing MUGEN characters might end up expecting a literal Cactus, themed after Easter.

To be fair though, that'd be accurate to the original flower, somewhat...

This character ended up totaling 140MB in sprite filesize, and thus will take a while to load into MUGEN's memory. Please be patient as it loads.

Hoshikujaku is based off the flower of the Easter Cactus plant.

Her flower meaning in the language of flowers are:

'Joy of Awakening/Resurrection', 'Enthusiasm/Passion' and 'Time for love'

Showcase Video:

Change Log:

v1.01 (Feb 03, 2020)

- Slowed the rate of life drain during Phoenix mode

- Reduced sound volume and increased damage of 12p

- Fixed Fire Power bar graphic from growing huge when sent into a custom state

- Shrunk powerbar to be smaller

- Fixed Camera scrolling while enemy is flying backward from Fire rush

- Slightly Adjusted AI guard, basic attack and revive behaviour

- The revive mechanic seems to break often when KOed during custom states.

I have made some changes to the revive code that hopefully rectifies this issue

- Reduced the cost of Fire Expulse from 50 to 40

- Prevented Fire Rush from chaining into itself

- Made Fire Blade Pull projectile also return upon hitting the Top/Bottom edges of screen as well.

- Added footstep sounds, for fun

v1.00 (Feb 01, 2020)

- Pre-release for Debuts



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