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Pumpkin (v1.0)

Date Released: Oct 31, 2020

Download Link:


This is a festive Halloween project I've been working on for fun, and is a remake of a previous Halloween character I made a couple of years ago but never finished. There was more I wanted to do with this, but I ran out of time before the deadline.

Well, I could always save it for next Halloween.

This is more of a Joke/Boss type character, and simply fills the screen with many projectile candies. Mainly meant for AI battles, but can be controlled by a player anyways.

There are a few helpers by her side that do things automatically:

- A spooky ghost that floats near her and either throws stuff at far opponents, or tackles nearby opponents

- Coffin that, after receiving a certain amount of damage, activates and rushes into enemies

- A girl wearing a pumpkin helmet that runs across the screen and occasionally slashes at opponents

The main controllable character featured in this is called Pumpkin, and is based off the flower of the Summer Squash plant.

Her flower meaning in the language of flowers are:

'Size', 'Breadth' and 'Vast'

Showcase Video:

Change Log:

v1.00 (Oct 30, 2020)

- Pre-release for Debuts



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