Date Released: Feb 1, 2019
Last Update: N/A
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After a Long Hiatus...
Anri is a Jazz themed MUGEN character. Her gimmick is filling the stage with several different musical notes, which has various effects on both Anri and the opponent depending on how many kinds of musical notes Anri has collected, and which ones the opponent has around them. Anri needs power meter to use her stronger moves, and relies on Musical note collection to quickly build power meter, as well as powerful defensive measures. Collect enough musical notes and you can use her Finishing move!
I originally started work on this character several months ago, but put her on a long hiatus when I couldn't be satisfied with how the AI played with the initial Move-set and Musical Notes system. As a result, she isn't utilizing the Higher Res sprites method I had developed earlier, unfortunately. But at least I've finally reworked the Musical Notes and Move-sets now and can put it behind me. There were originally more things I wanted to do with her. Such as giving each individual musical note type more unique effects. But I couldn't find enough creative ways to balance it properly (I know, "Balance" on this kind of character...) and she was getting bloated already as is. Hopefully she still offers something to people's rosters.
She is a crossover character between two net browser games on called "Flower Knight Girl" and "Girls Symphony."
She is based off the flower called the Rue Anemone. Her flower meaning in the language of flowers are:
"Casual Tenderness" & "Little Sweetheart"
Showcase Video:
Change Log:
v1.0 (Feb 1, 2019)
- Reworked version and Public Releases
v0.8 (July 20, 2018)
- Pre-release for Spriteclub.tv Debuts