Date Released: May 3, 2019
Last Update: May 15, 2019
Download Links:
Normal Version (200+ MB)
No Assistants Version (108 MB)
Mirror Links (mediafire):
It's been an entire year since I started making MUGEN AI vs AI content. I decided commemorate this small occasion by remaking a new version of the very first character I ever made, utilizing the techniques I've learned over the year.
I tried to keep some familiarity with the first Nymphaea, but add a bunch of bells and whistles, along with additional moves. She has high-res sprites now too, fancier attacks and some Assistant Helpers.
However, this character ended up totaling 200+ MB in filesize, a majority of that is from the .sff sprite file. This will result in a rather longer load time than normal when loading this character for the first time in a MUGEN session.
For those of you who find the large filesize unbearable, I have made a version of Blossoming Nymphaea that removes her assistant helpers and their sprites. As a result, this greatly reduces her filesize, at the cost of leaving her on her own during fights and consequently weaker in AI battles.
Nymphaea is based off the flower called the Egyptian Water Lily.
Her flower meaning in the language of flowers are:
'Love that died away' and 'Ruin'
Showcase Video:
Change Log:
v1.01 (May 14, 2019)
- Added special attacks to helpers
- Added Victory screens
- Added Bonus palette functionalities
v1.0 (May 03, 2019)
- Pre-release for Spriteclub.tv Debuts