Date Released: Oct 19, 2018
Last Update: Oct 24, 2018 (v1.01)
Download Link:
This is the 8th fan character I've created for M.U.G.E.N.
Mechanically, Habranthus doesn't do anything new compared to my older works. However, this character marks a milestone in the way I do sprites for Mugen.
In the past, the sprites I worked with were slightly blurrier in-game due to using RGB PNG file formats in Mugen v1.1.
This time, I have figured out a way to utilize sprites at a much higher resolution now (almost twice the size).
This essentially means that sprites in-game look much sharper now, especially in screenpacks with a 720p resolution setup. I have even specifically tested this character in a 720p screenpack setup to make sure it displays properly.
The trade-off is that the file sizes of my character also bloats a lot larger now, with the sprite file itself managing to take up over 90% of the filesize, and that's with minimal sound effects! I think for now though, the trade-off is worth it though, and the sharper sprites will make for a more enjoyable viewing experience. I plan to continue using this kind of higher res sprites for future creations.
Habranthus is a character based off the flower of the same name,
also known as the Pink Rain Lily. Her flower meaning in the language of flowers are:
"Pure Love" and "Expectation"
Showcase Video:
Change Log:
v1.01 (Oct 24, 2018)
- Lowered cooldown of Rain Spin
- Charging dagger now instantly raises to max charges (9) instead of 3 charges at a time
- modifed the way the portrait cut-in shows when activating Special, and added extra visual effect
- added UI element to display remaining blade charges
- added additional voice clips
v1.00 (Oct 19, 2018)
- Pre-release for Spriteclub.tv Debuts