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Flower Drunk Girls (Salacenia) (v1.01)

Updated: Nov 2, 2020

Date Released: June 1, 2018

Last Update: June 5, 2018 (v1.01)

Download Link:


This is the 3rd fan character I've created for M.U.G.E.N.

This time around, I just wanted to have fun and go nuts making an unconventional Joke character while learning more new things for MUGEN char development.

So I ended up slapping on as many gimmicks as I felt necessary to this one while trying to make it at least entertaining to watch. As such, she has things like perma-super armor, permanent helpers, etc.

That being said, she isn't exactly an overpowered super killer either. Literally all she does is walk back and forth while juggling her alcohol (and a sword). Occasionally stopping to take a swig of her sake. She's more annoying to opponents than anything. Probably.

She is accompanied by 2 fellow drinkers, named Heather and Hop. They assist her by attacking opponents with moves of their own when certain conditions are met. All three girls share the common trait of being heavy drinkers.

Thus the theme, "Flower Drunk Girls"

They are based on flowers of the same name. These are:

Salacenia/Pitcher Plant (Primary character)

Flower Meaning: Rest, Oddball, Weirdo, etc

Hop (The short one)

Flower Meaning: Hope, Faith, Simplicity

Heather (The one with a broom)

Flower Meaning: Now and Forever, Independence, Sincere

Showcase Video:

Change Log:

v1.01 (June 5, 2018)

- Small stat tweaks to Salacenia's moves (slight nerfs)

- Modified Hop's "Bottoms Up!" hitdef to hit more consistently

- Additions to control list + state overrides, for debug purposes

- Removed one of the BGM that plays during 12p from the SND file

v1.00 (June 1, 2018)

- Pre-release for Debuts



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