Date Released: May 01, 2018
Last Update: July 25, 2018 (v1.04)
Download Link:
Lady's Sorrel was my 2nd attempt at making a M.U.G.E.N character. While my first character was a sandbox for learning M.U.G.E.N, this 2nd character was practice to apply what I already learned.
Like Nymphaea, she also a simple character with one-button attacks. But with a few more types of moves thanks to what I learned before.
Also, she too has an umbrella.
She is based off the flower named the Candycane Sorrel.
Its flower meaning in the language of flowers are:
"Shining Heart", "Feeling with the Heart", etc
Showcase Video:
Change Log:
v1.04 (July 25, 2018)
- corrected AI bug where Sorrel may still attack after being KOed during Simul mode
- fixed Afterimage in her "Run Away EX" move lasting too long or too short
- modified AI dodge pattern (she no longer dodges out of default hit states)
- added unique voice reactions for VS other Flower Knights
v1.03 (May 23, 2018)
- more adjustments to AI due to corner lockdown
v1.02 (May 09, 2018)
- adjustments to AI
v1.01 (May 07, 2018)
- Added missing "Timeout" lose pose
- Fixed bug with Blossom Mines that often spawns clones.
- Small tweak to spinning moves.
v1.00 (May 01, 2018)
- Pre-release for Spriteclub.tv Debuts